The finest establishment to roam the desert wastes, a place of rest and relaxation (for those with the cash to afford it) where one can kick back, refill their canteen, and sun themselves on the pool deck. All sorts from across the desert mingle here, but don't make trouble! Big Tam might thrash you herself if her cyborg-baboon goons don't finish you off first. Some current visitors to Big Tam's are.... The Illustrious Warlord Boss Bellos whose parked his seaplane and taken over the first class suite.... Mandy & Mindy the news'copter twins with their heavy camera equipment setup up on the Mezzanine, pestering Big Tam for interviews... and Petor the Demolisher, with his rather dangerous cargo of explosives, who has been regulated to the lower decks.
And from the Velvet Inks this mysterious entourage has arrived...
They come Whence they came?
They come they come
Bearers masks fluters drummers pole holders They come
To extract? To take? To kill?
Thieves Liars Murderers
Do not look them in there not-eyes Do not!
Give them your honey, your grain, your bullets, your cinders Do not refuse!
They will take! Take! Animals
They burn as they come Homes Children
The land crisps and turns to ash ash and cinders they love the fire and finery
give them what they want Give them
And hope they don't return
And now for The Nothic's Eye's new nemesis...

And for Velvet Ink's as well...

Oh man I'm putting Big Tam's in one of my games. What a great idea!