More scraps and scribbles.
- In an ancient levant world there is a demon of plaster and whitewash, it demands MORE limestone MORE hardwoods MORE charcoal to feed its lust for plaster, it shall never be satisfied with its eternal deforestation until the whole region is ecologically devastated.
- Familial ties are a major thing, considering making lieutenants and various other functionaries siblings and cousins to their boss.
- A cocky young nobleman has whipped up a frenzied gang to go and kidnap (voluntarily) his future wife from her family.
- A posse of flea-knights riding about on an animal, hop to a new host and command them to act as their noble steed/page.
- A necromancer's cavaliers riding upon slavering ghoul-back, horse pistols and sabres in hand.
- Spirits care not for casualty, spirits are ideal for fueling an ftl engine, the devil wants your soul because they are a used spaceship salesman and hell is a junkyard.
- Random equipment tables are tricky to write because you don't want players to all end up with the same stuff, but when they have a bit of overlap it can generate fun ideas. How did they both end up with a bunch of stick grenades? Maybe they robbed an arsenal together. And so forth...
- Butchers who serve the Red God, and who have many rituals and holy laws concerning the proper methods of killing and processing an animal. Have dealings with the gutter vampires who sup upon abattoir temple run-off.
- Eutrpænursgið the glacial troll.
- The oldest business in the city is Ma Wu's cockatrice bucket restaurant.
- A devout giant hermit crab that uses ruined temples for shells, profuses a weird syncretic blending of several different faiths.
- Jags Kaaba
- Oh fuck, zeppelin pirates stole our sheep again.
- The king's acolytes chop off their own heads to show fealty, serving on even headless.
- Venus figurine-esq goddess with a hagfish's head, barbels enlarged to dangle like long braids, the patron of scavengers, waste technicians, and worm-handlers.
- Game where you play as expatriate abductees of the Mi-Go, your brains resleeved into new bodies, worker for a Fungi patron salvaging ancient megastructures, mining great old one brain-matter, or otherwise bumping around a mythos, alien filled, interstellar space-setting.
- Use giant shrews
- A cavern full of speleothems, each stalagmite and stalactite carved like reaching fingers,
- A silver-bound spellbook, when you dream it transforms into a silver snake to speak with you.
- A fad for oiled silk umbrellas has been imported from a neighboring land, umbrella owners have been met with derision and assault by carriage drivers fearful of losing their business.
- Two rival cities, each besieged by the other's mercenaries, little violence, each is involved in a protracted bidding war trying to buy out the others mercenaries, this has been going on for a while.
- Knife-fencing, a thick woolen blanket is wrapped around one arm as a shield, a knife in the other....
- At the printmakers shop, inky skeleton have clawed their way out of the woodcuts and are terrorizing the apprentices, somebody needs to lure them away!
- Ritual infrugality.
- Mad Meg (lass) (dulle griet) has lead her all-woman army to pillage hell.
- Painted ships all made of brass, that orbit astrologically.
- Giant crocodile carrying her human babies in her mouth.
- Paper lanterns with writing on them as an archaic form of neon sign.
- Darian Groy.
- Techno-Dwarves.
- HP is how many souls you've stolen, each time you suffer a terrible injury a soul evaporates like ablative armour, kill and eat peoples souls to regain HP and get stronger.
- The traditional peace offering gift among lizard folk is to offer up your own tail for the other parties consumption because this represents a great deal of food/energy given away combined with intimacy of offering up a piece of your flesh.
- In addition to the above; long/big tails are seen as a sign of status and dominance but also (if interpreted so) of cruelty or refusal to see others as equals, lizard folk caricaturists often draw different politicians with shorter or longer tails as their opinion goes.
- Pig-folk armed with carbines riding upon baboon post-humans.
- A sword which beheads everyone within 10 meters when unsheathed, including the wielder.
- The empire is riven into warring provinces, the crown prince is presumed dead. But two different people claim to be the real crown prince and are mustering armies. One has even been declared the true heir by the princes widow. The fact that the prince was executed by cannon doesn't seem to bother either of them.
- A key which inserted into the body, makes the chest unfold into panels allowing access to all of the organs and innards.
- Hiber-knights slumbering in their asteroidal vaults, rousing only in times of great crisis.
- Mail order stooge.
- Sepulcheracy, rule by those of the sepulchers (the dead perhaps).
- Bicycle haruspex, divines the future from the gutted gears and chains.
- Wooden dummies hanged for absentee condemnations.
- A jar of computer keycaps floating in disinfectant = cyber potion.
- Post-apoc, the design for kalashnikovs has persisted, and the term 'akay' has become synonymous with automatic weaponry of any sort.
- A place like a storm drain or pillared cistern but its upper reaches are blinding light.
- A alien megastructure factory monolith is found and dragged back to the solar system, it makes ftl drives, one day it goes boom, no more earth/sol system and no more ftl drives, the scattered diaspora of man is left with what few ships they have.
- In Deb Lota violence is obscene, weapons are hidden from the world under thick cloth wraps, soldiers are considered sultry degenerates who wear heavy veils disguising them.
- A metal coffin wrapped in chains carried upon a palanquin by collared slaves, a voice of ink and scratching nibs whispers from within.
- Crystal ships hovering above a city of red glass spires, squat forges, and slag pits.
- An rpg supersition : always include a rule in your game that lets you leave or end the game, lest you be perpetually trapped in a game by rules lawyering demons.
- Oldtech often requires a dna sample, usually no more than a thimble full of blood, unfortunately centuries of spotty translation leads to some wizards reading 'blood sacrifice' in their tomes and deciding to up and gut someone.
- The alien's ships are massive affairs, vast floating bricks and ovaloids. It's economics. Gravitics and neutronium annihilation plants don't come cheap and ain't subtle. Its easier to build a massive cargo ship to fly interstellar space then spring for a bunch of small ones.
- Adventure upon a squalid miserable guano island, revolting miners/slaves, cruel overseers, weird birds, foreign spies, home-brewed fertilizer bombs, general shenanigans.
- Item : a ring with a secret lighter built in.
- Knife scabbards that bend in sharp angles to display the wealth of the owner, the more unnecessary angles and bends the better. The scabbard is usually longer than the knife itself.
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