Vague cousin to megatherium but fur a-shimmer with arcane hues and a mouth with teeth made for crushing and grinding bone. A single, sickle-like claw lazily picks its dentition. The beast waits for a wizard.
- Stats as a bear or appropriate bear-like creature.
- Preys upon wizards. Breaking bones and slurping out the magic. Smashing skulls open to gulp down the brains. The beast will learn a random spell from that which the magic-user knew. Loses it once cast.
- Each skull cracked open and brain gulped down adds to their intelligence, they speak with cultivated airs and love to reference literature their victims once read.
- Immune to magical weapons, which slide off their hide. This property lasts even through tanning though it dwindles over time.
- Are good climbers.
- Lair in ruined wizard towers (often the killers of the former occupants), and among hoards of magic items, the sort that will attract fresh prey. Some have been known to pay or intimidate wayward shepherds into spreading rumours to that end.
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