Long ago upon an irradiated war-torn planet a sorcerer-scientist plotted to save his species, creating from the mutated population a lineage of xenophobic squid-things locked within armored shells. A perfect race in their estimate. And the damned things have stuck around ever since.
Lekad (warrior)
Hovering cone, eye-stalk protruding from dome head, plunger manipulator and ray-gun arms
- Reactionary, xenophobic mutant squid-things locked in sturdy armour.
- Their ray-guns kill or stun at range and preference.
- Plunger manipulator grapples poorly but suffices for interaction.
- Vulnerable to blinding and close range attack.
- Coordinators
- Big spherical head full of stratagems and orthodoxy.
- Ringed with manipulator arms for maximum coordination.
- Individually egotistically though this is a heresy.
- Heavies
- Driven insane by radiation, feared as abominations by the other soldiery.
- No manipulator, only a heavy-duty ray-cannon.
- Bulky, thickly armored shells resistant to most damage.
- Drones
- Dull, nearly mindless, perform rote maintenance tasks.
- Two manipulators instead of a plunger and ray-gun.
- Lose power if taken off their city conduit floors.
- Slaves
- Face shields to hide their 'ugliness' from the masters.
- Psionic dampener helmets make them compliant.
- Considered vulgar if necessary and useful.
- Beasts
- Genemodded mutant critters from their homeworld and the stars.
- Specialized for tracking, guarding, or other capacities.
- Controlled with obvious psionic collars, go feral if removed.
5 HD, AC as Plate, 2d6 Ray-Gun Attack
Inner Creature : 1/2 HD, AC as Unarmored, 1d4 Strangle Attack
Running Lekads :
- Reoccurring villain-of-the-week antagonists, let them become a known variable for players to manipulate, occasionally throw some sub-types or such in to mix it up.
- Dangerous but easily thwartible, play up their goofiness but keep them deadly in a straight confrontation.
- They have two modes, elaborate monologuing or amusingly abrupt declarations.
- Shout TERMINATE! a lot.
Lekad Rumours :
- A distant emperor, arch-coordinator, commands the lekad imperium.
- Longstanding (and one sided) rivalry with a creed of robot men.
- In the recent past there was a fanatical civil war dividing the lekads in two, it still echoes on.
- Travel in teleporting invasion spheres and saucers.
- Their ancient creator controls them in secret from their laboratory-bunker.
- Whacking lekad armour at close range will knock it open, exposing the wriggling pilot.
- They are color coded into different caste-roles.
- Brutally factional over petty issues and differences.
- Hate change and difference to the point of refuting all but the most critical of improvements.
- Love to gloat, keep them talking to survive.
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